‘Talking hair loss with katie dear’ SUPPORT GROUP

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Katie Dear Support Group

Finding support for a hair loss journey cannot always feel the easiest of tasks because it’s hard to find or you get lost in a sea of advertising and ‘fix it’ products.  

It is sometimes tricky knowing where to start or who to ask help from.

Hair loss tends to be seen in society as a cosmetic entity but the effect on mental health certainly runs a lot deeper and is hugely underestimated.

Feeling like you want to be part of a community takes a certain amount of acceptance.

I think from the general consensus, of my clients at least, that what you get out of speaking to someone or a group outway the anxiety you had before you stepped forward and had not spoken to anyone about your hair loss at all.

You need to know that the feelings you have are valid. 

And those feelings are felt by sooo many more than just yourself. 

You are not alone, whether that is thinking about wearing wigs or toppers as your hair thins out or you are wearing headwear or maybe even nothing at all. 

Someone somewhere is feeling it too. 

Since you are reading this, let’s assume you are taking some positive steps, being kind to yourself and finding support for your hair loss journey.   Maybe you are an invaluable friend and you are finding support for someone you know.

For many people it may have taken a vast amount of time to get to this point from googling hair loss, discovering alternative hair or just to get to this site.

Maybe you’ve been searching for Ladies wigs or Wigs for women and have been curious enough to get to this blog post and I am so glad you are here. 

I started my podcast ‘Talking Hair Loss’ because I was seeing so many clients buying wigs and alternative hair and getting no support through what they were experiencing. 

Their confidence was at rock bottom and in most cases felt completely lost.  

I wanted to inspire people by getting those happy to talk about it, telling their personal journeys on the podcast.  

Hopefully, it will help even just one person to reach out for support and not just stay listening to the ‘not so helpful’ monologue on repeat in their head. 

I wanted to create a safe space for those to not only listen to the stories but to write down their own.  For some, maybe their first entry, if you like.

So I set up the ‘Talking Hair Loss with Katie Dear’ online ‘support’ group on Facebook.

This is a safe, non judgemental space to tell your story if you have never told anyone or even if you have told everyone! 

Here you will find support and perhaps find others going through a similar, relatable journey and would like to support each other. 

Have you experienced hair loss through Chemotherapy treatment and want to share some useful tips that might help someone else going through the same journey?

Have you had Alopecia for years and don’t necessarily need advice but want to share your experience to help someone else on the start of their journey?

Speak about things you found helpful and not so helpful in your experience.

Tell your story to help others experiencing hair loss that don’t know where or who to go to for support.  Knowledge is power.  One story might be all it needs to resonate with someone to get the ball rolling and give them confidence to reach out for support.

Whether it’s hair loss due to Chemotherapy treatment, Alopecia or even just hair thinning I want this group to not implode with judgements and to make sure people don’t feel isolated in their journey, giving them support for whatever hair loss they are going through.

Of course this is a place for those who are experiencing hair loss who need direction to ask questions too and receive constructive help their way too.  Most important.

It is not a place for me to do consultations but I will be holding free to attend, in person, Q and A sessions at some point. 

This will be for those on the start of their hair loss journey and need advice with wigs, hair pieces or just want to know what to do next with thinning hair.  Dates for this I will advertise on this group as well as any other supportive material including hair loss or wig/hair piece related offering support I will advertise on here too.

Having hair loss can often make you feel many emotions, leaving you feeling vulnerable and so gentle and kind words are needed in this group. 

Remembering that what works for one person may or may not work for another as our bodies are all different and react differently to medications if going through treatment and supplements or topical treatments if going through an Alopecia journey.

If you are experiencing hair loss I would always suggest finding out what is going on with a GP, Dermatologist or Trichologist before purchasing solutions, supplements or topical treatments.  Hair loss can make you feel very vulnerable and therefore open to parting with money for products that might not work for you but may for someone else. Always try and find out why you are experiencing the hair loss before buying products that might be more detrimental to you or your hair loss.

This is not a group for selling wigs or hair pieces.

If it is your first time talking about your hair loss then please find this a safe place to do so and you can always post anonymously if you wish.

Let’s help those on their hair loss journey however they got there to find the confidence to reach out for support. 

Be kind to yourselves and each other.

Katie Dear

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